700 mil children live under poverty. Send a gift now.
Recreation-in-a-box Kit
Recreation-in-a-box Kit
Recreation-in-a-box Kit
Recreation-in-a-box Kit
Recreation-in-a-box Kit

Recreation-in-a-box Kit

  • $1,100.00



During times of emergency and conflict, playing soccer, basketball or any other team or individual sport can bring children a critical element of any child's development. This UNICEF Inspired Gift comes with basketballs, soccer balls and other recreational supplies, enough for over 90 children to play, exercise and have fun!

Your gift will provide 1 recreation-in-a-box Kit.

How to Give an Inspired Gift


Choose an inspired gift

Browse our catalog and choose a life-saving gift to help children in need around the world.


Dedicate an e-card

Send a personalized e-card to a friend or loved one for the gift you made in their honour.


Save lives

Each life-saving gift will be sent to where children need it the most, GUARANTEED.