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Early Childhood Development (ECD) Kit
Early Childhood Development (ECD) Kit
Early Childhood Development (ECD) Kit
Early Childhood Development (ECD) Kit
Early Childhood Development (ECD) Kit

Early Childhood Development (ECD) Kit

  • $1,650.00



This kit contains 37 well-sourced learning items, everything from pencils to puzzles and puppets–enough for up to 50 children who desperately need a chance to learn and play. These comprehensive and colourful resources are sent to caregivers in emergency situations to develop early learning among children.
Through the playing, talking and reading, this kit helps stimulate children's brain development.

Your gift will provide 1 early childhood development (ECD) kit.

How to Give an Inspired Gift


Choose an inspired gift

Browse our catalog and choose a life-saving gift to help children in need around the world.


Dedicate an e-card

Send a personalized e-card to a friend or loved one for the gift you made in their honour.


Save lives

Each life-saving gift will be sent to where children need it the most, GUARANTEED.